Fat Heads help Gift Mate promote their novelty gift bag by producing this stylish and colourful advert.
If, like us Fat Heads, you’re about as handy wrapping presents as Richter at the end of Total Recall (he loses both his arms, people. Keep up. He’s also played by Michael Ironside who is notorious in Hollywood for being rubbish at gift wrapping. Probably.) then you too would be mesmerised by Gift Mate’s new drawstring gift bag.
“Wrap simply & perfectly in seconds” their catchy marketing proclaims and with a little help from Fat Heads they’ve managed to get their message across with this stunning colour advert.
Gift Mate, part of Misamura UK Ltd, approached Fat Heads about providing a promotional advert to appear in various Greetings industry publications in time for the Progressive Greetings Live 2012 exhibition this month.
So, no more last-minute present wrapping for Fat Heads anymore. Bag. Drawstring. Happy Birthday. Enjoy Total Recall on Blue Ray, Grandma.