Elysium Law banner desktop

Elysium Law website & brand identity

Raising the bar

Fat Heads have designed and developed a new website for Elysium Law, a Direct Access Barrister firm based in Chester. Alongside this Fat Heads also took on the responsibility of freshening up the existing brand identity and logo as well as providing stationery and document designs and templates.

Elysium Law website home page

Prestige and expertise

Elysium provide a range of legal services and wanted a website that could show the variety of work that they do to existing and potential new clients. The site also required staff biographies, case studies and testimonials as well as easy to find contact information and forms.

Elysium Law website mobile

Disrupting the traditional model

The new site opens with a dynamic background video and breaks content up around the site with clean and clear sectional panels. Key anchor points are highlighted with the simplistic but stylish “tear-drop” icon that compliments the company logo and brand.

Elysium Law website staff page

A new slant for the logo

Fat Heads not only gave the website a brand new look and feel but also modernised the existing Elysium Law brand and company logo transforming the colour scheme and font styles that the company was previously associated with.

Elysium Law logo old
Elysium Law logo new

Expanding the brand

As an extension to this, Fat Heads also re-vamped several of the business’ stationery documents such as letterhead, email footer and policy documents.

Elysium Law policy document cover
Elysium Law policy document inside

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